October 22, 2024
Florida Homeowners Insurance

Solar panels are a pretty hot topic these days. From more significant projects to provide large amounts of electricity to the latest residential design. What is with people’s fascination with solar energy? Is it how they create energy out of thin air? If there is one thing solar panels need, it is the sun. As a Florida resident, avoiding the sun can be pretty tough. Solar panels in Florida function better than anywhere else in the nation. So why not use the sun as an advantage and use solar panels? However, would they be covered by a standard Florida homeowners insurance policy?

Solar and Florida Homeowners Insurance

Florida is known for sunshine, so why not win the war and use solar panels? But first, it’s essential to understand if your Florida homeowners insurance covers your solar panels. Solar panels are perfect for the hot Florida sun and are also on the rise in popularity.

Suppose you already have solar panels or decide to install them for your home. In that case, you will want to ensure you are fully protected if damages occur. The most frequent issues are hurricane-related. High winds and flooding could damage your property and your solar panels.

Whether or not your Florida homeowners insurance covers solar panels is another matter. Your policy will determine if you are covered or not. However, most solar panels are considered a permanent attachment to your home. Therefore, insurance carriers regard solar panels as a permanent attachment. Keep these factors in mind when it comes to solar panels.

Always Remember That Your Coverage Limits Will Vary

Installing solar panels in your home can cost thousands of dollars. So before you decide to take out any insurance coverage, you need to be sure that you understand your policy limits.

Home Insurance in Florida Does Not Cover Everything.

Florida homeowners insurance will only cover the perils listed in your policy for the most part. These perils consist of lightning, fire, theft, and vandalism. Usually, if a hurricane destroys your panels, you must purchase extra coverage to be compensated.

Paying Your Deductible Is a Must

Your deductible is the amount you pay out of your pocket before your policy kicks in. A typical deductible is around $500, but you can adjust accordingly.

Solar panels are a great way to save cash on your energy bill. It is essential to review your Florida homeowners insurance policy and ensure they are entirely covered. You do not want a coverage gap or will pay thousands out of pocket.